Insert Photo

It's Saturday and we have things to do.   So I am going to insert a photo here for your enjoyment

and get on with the business of doing some Saturday chores.   Or maybe I'll just sit outside and watch the chickens preen their feathers while I drink some more coffee.   Yep, sounds more like it.

Even if you have a busy Saturday, take some time to relax.   It's good for you.   (This is not a new chick, but an old photo.)


Hi there! I stopped by after seeing Brenda post your blog on her Welcome Wagon. I love the pictures of your chickens. It reminds me of my mother-in-law who loved chickens!
Anonymous said…
That's such a great photo, Sis. The man and all his girls.
Oooh! I don't care if it's an old pic! I just love your chikies!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
xo, misha
I'm new to your blog, and this post made me smile! Thanks, have a wonderful day! I'm now your newest follower!

Gone Country said…
The girls look like they're following the rules today! So cute! I'd have another cup of coffee too and sit and watch them! They're always so entertaining!
I think your chickens want to come inside and relax with you!! I guess that's better than crossing the road! :-))
Samantha said…
Gorgeous shot of the chick..what a face!
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh... that little chick in your hand is SO precious!! Love that, hope the hammering doesn't drive you crazy.. it is hard to ignore!
Lore said…
Wish I could have some chickens around my yard. It's folksy and conforting.

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