
We left the hot weather yesterday and spent a few hours at the coast.   Erik's daughter has moved from Oregon to California and is enroute to her destination, and so she is spending a few days with us:-)   It was a picture perfect day.   

Have a lovely Monday and I will do the same!


TexWisGirl said…
wow, that blue is beautiful!
Beautiful shot of the ocean, enjoy the cooler weather.
oooh , that is just so beautiful.

CountryDew said…
Lovely shot. Great coast line.
Lin said…
Dang! That is lovely. Wish I was there right about now.
Lynne said…
Gorgeous ESCAPE to the coast!
Cloudia said…
True BLUE!

Wishing You a happy week,
with Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >
Anonymous said…
Looking forward to moving closer to a body of water one day soon...
Daryl said…
ahhh .. i can feel the soft breeze
Reena said…
Such beauty and inspiring!

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