Orange Moon

It was setting so fast, I did my best to capture some of its gorgeous color.   It was awesome to see, and that is not a term I use lightly.


OMG! That is outstanding!...:)JP
TexWisGirl said…
love that 2nd shot!!!
Mary Ann said…
That is wonderful!
Daryl said…
awesome indeed... my view, if i had even tried to see the moon ... was obscured by clouds courtesy of Sandy the storm that hasnt arrived and yet keep on giving ...
Nancy said…
Ours was really pretty last night too, but I can't find my facking tripod. What a doofus I am. Lol.

Beautiful captures Denise.
Unknown said…
Awesome is how I would describe those shots.
Lin said…
Wow, that is incredible! Nice photography--that is really hard to capture so well!
Lynne said…
Yum . . . so beautiful!