A Rare Event

Looking back through my photos, I found some snow photos from a few years ago.   This was a rare event for our part of California.   Snow is always so pretty to watch as it gently drifts down from above.   It's the aftermath that I don't like.   If I could be transported somewhere to watch the snow falling, wake up to the new snow looking so fresh on the ground, take my photos, and then be transplanted back home....well, I think that would be pretty cool.  


Anonymous said…
My sentiments exactly living in Atlanta! I'm like a kid when we finally get the white stuff!
Anonymous said…
It's just soooo pretty. Love watching it fall.

Born and raised here in New England, I guess it's in my blood...I love every flake all Winter long!!!...:)JP
Lynne said…
Watching the snow falling is thee best part . . .
Nancy said…
That's beautiful.
Lin said…
Oh, it's lovely. We had a snow like that the other day--it was BIG WET flakes. The guy on the radio said it was "Bad Hair Snow." Yeah, it was. It was pretty, but it would make your hair wet when it landed on you.

Daryl said…
snow is coming our way tonight ... sigh ...
Anonymous said…
Lovely... Seattle hasn't gotten a flake all winter...
Reena said…
Such an event! Come out to the east coast this weekend ... there will be plenty of snow for you to enjoy! But I'm with you, transport me back to warm weather.

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