My Party's Over

Allergy season hit me today.   I am going to dig a hole and stay there until this passes.   *sigh*   It was fun while it lasted.



Cloudia said…
Do hope it's not too bad this year, Dear

ALOHA from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
~ > < } } ( ° > <3
TexWisGirl said…
oh, that cute pup! :)

the winds were tough here yesterday - my allergies are kicking in, too.
Green Monkey said…
you've got a digger! what fun :)

we're still working our way through winter. yesterday, a bird crapped on my car and I thought... "YIPPY!!!! means spring is on its way"
Anonymous said…
I coughed all morning. Finally had to take a Claritin D tablet and that calmed things down
Anonymous said…
'China, look I see China!' Sorry about the allergies... I know what you mean...
Lynne said…
So sorry . . . be well soon . . .
Daryl said…
sorry about the allergies .. but those dog shots are superb!

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