Tuesday Muse

Do you accept imperfections of your life, or do you pick at them and complain about them?   I look back at photos of myself when I was younger, thinking how lovely I was, and yet knowing at the time I was more focused on things I would change than I was on what I loved.   We are funny beings, we humans.   We aren't supposed to be perfect.   We shouldn't try to focus too much on what we'd like to be different about our appearance.   We are like flowers in a big garden.   Each petal is a little different and that makes the garden beautiful.   And some of the petals have a little brown on the edges.   I find those the most interesting of all.

Sharing with Nancy


Lynne said…
I remind myself of this daily . . . absolutely nothing is perfect, yet isn't that the beauty . . .
shirley said…
Unfortunately, I think it is human nature to look at what you think is wrong vs focusing on what is right.
It's our imperfections that make us unique and special! Otherwise, we would just be like The Borg.

Lovely image today - and great post!
TexWisGirl said…
you spoke the truth. no matter what, we pick ourselves apart and push aside compliments like we don't deserve them.
Anonymous said…
Try as I may, there are days when I still pick, mostly at my waistline. I can pretty much accept the rest of Me even though not perfect. Oh, and I ALWAYS compare myself to girls who are 5'4" and cute as a bug.

Nancy said…
Spoken like a woman that has learned some valuable lessons along the way! xo
Nicki said…
True! Beautiful image and powerful words.
Daryl said…
interesting introspection ... growing up i wanted to fit in, be just like everyone else .. now i love being different ...

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