Look Closely

I've shown you many photos of the view from Highway 46 West.   What I may not have shown you is that there are cattle living down in those hills.   Can you look closely and see the little roads?   Yes, it's someone's property!   Isn't that awesome?   I don't know whose ranch this is.   The Hearst ranch is farther north so this must be someone else's.   I'd love to own this property, but I'd definitely hire someone to do the road grading.   Looks a little dicey.   Even the cattle are running for their lives.


Comfypjs said…
Your header is gorgeous!
TexWisGirl said…
wow. pretty!

love the header, too.
C-ingspots said…
Beautiful landscape! And yes, I'd be a little worried driving a vehicle or worse, that grader on that hillside road, but what a perfect trail for riding!!
Anonymous said…
Sure hope whoever is driving that beast knows what they are doing... Yikes! Dicey is right!
Lynne said…
Gorgeous land . . . I would probably run too if a big pay loader, (or whatever they are called) came barelling down the road at me . . .

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