Just Dropped In

I hope you are enjoying the long weekend.   I know some of you are struggling with the awful Winter weather that's dropped inches and feet of snow on your homes.   I'm sure Spring will be a welcome relief to you.   We had that bit of rain last week and now it's warm and dry again.   Friday it was 82 degrees here, which is much too warm for February.   Trees are budding and blossoming.   It's crazy weather.

Yesterday we spent a nice day.   We drove to Cambria for a walk in the foggy morning, then stopped in to a new place for lunch.   We get in a rut about eating at the same places, so it almost felt like being out of town.   And it was enough that we didn't feel like dinner last night.

And we bought some Olallieberry Vanilla fudge.   It's good.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I'll be back soon!


TexWisGirl said…
beautiful shores, denise!
Lynne said…
Such lovely photos . . . a walk along the shoreline in photo two would put me over the moon . Very inviting!
Can't wait to walk the beach!!!...:)JP
Hi Denise! I've loved catching up on your blog this evening--I've missed stopping by. I really loved your post and photos of the crows--Thanks for the suggestions on bringing up their detail. I find them quite interesting, but have to admit I don't like their gobbling down everything I put out for the little birds, or when they chase our resident owls.

But I do hope your weekend is ending on a good note, with a drive and amazing scenery like that, how could it not? :-)
This N That said…
I'm so envious Denise...What a beautiful coastline..
HI Denise Stunning sea and shore shots. I live by the sea bit I never tire of them
Green Monkey said…
oh I am SOOO glad I stopped by. These pictures are gorgeous!
simply bev said…
Looking forward to warmer weather! Thanks for the reminder that summer is indeed coming our way at some point!
ooh, the color of that water!

Daryl said…
it snowed again this morning .. lucky us .. theres a warm up in sight which means rain .. yuck .. i love looking at your photos .. makes it feel less depressing
Nancy said…
I heard about your temps -- that's way too warm, yes? It's in the 60s here today, which really feels nice. I fear it won't last long though. Lovely images of your walk Denise.

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