The Talk of The Town

The rain, people, it's all about the rain we had on Sunday.   It's on everyone's mind and in every conversation.   Celebration.   Relief, for the moment.   Joy.   Anticipation for more.   

I stopped for a moment the next morning and realized there were raindrops on the leaves.   I hadn't seen that in many many months.   It was delightful.   Yes, like little diamonds.

Cue the music...

If it rains tomorrow like it's supposed to, I am definitely going out in search of more diamonds.


Nancy said…
It's the little things... green is good! :)
TexWisGirl said…
oh, i hope there is more on the way for you!
Hi Diamonds are forever beautiful.
Unknown said…
Beautiful pictures! I am so glad that you got some rain! Let's pray for more tomorrow.
Tabor said…
Congrats...seems this commodity is going to be available less and less as the world population grows.
Been keeping up with your drought via rose friends who are near you. Historic and desperate are words that I keep hearing. Glad to hear that you had some rain ... let's drop the subject now, so we don't jinx it in the future.
C-ingspots said…
Funny how important the little things become when they've been gone. So happy to hear you've gotten some much-needed rain. Hope you get more!!
Lynne said…
Well good news indeed . . . I hope more of the same today!
This N That said…
Hope you'll have more soon..
simply bev said…
Such a relief to have a good rain after a long period of drought. The diamonds are a bonus!
Ida said…
Oh so happy you had rain when it was so needed. We got snow (not so happy about that) but the rain should be on the way next week.

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