If It Feels Good....

No better way to end a day of grazing...


My Rottweiler does the same thing on my carpet.
TexWisGirl said…
cute little thing!
I've seen horses do that, too. Bet it feels good.
Anonymous said…
Rowdy and Izzy slide down the hill behind the house on their backs. I think it is the dog version of a donkey dust bath. LOL It must feel VERY good!
This N That said…
That's what I'd be doing..Mollie does that too...She loves sliding across the snow on her face..
Judy said…
That is too cute!
She makes it look like such a "feel good", doesn't she? Good morning from Aruba!...:)JP
Rebecca said…
A dirt bath and a back scratch all at the same time!
Suzan said…
You must have some cat nip or something of the sorts in that dirt area!!

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