March Forward

March came in like something between a lion and a lamb.   It was a pretty day but then got cold and rainy and windy.   Not too bad, but not perfect either.   The latest series of cloudy days brought some beautiful skies.   I never ever get tired of pretty skies.   I take photos of them because I think they are so incredible, then months later go back and delete hundreds because I realize I just don't need so many photos of cloudy skies.   But they are worth capturing at the time.

I've been spending a lot of time at the barn, working and riding the horses, visiting with all the ladies who ride there.   It's a small group and we're all respectful to one another, encouraging, supportive.   We're not close friends that go out and socialize, but it's definitely my social time and I enjoy it.   

The animals are healthy and well, life is relatively calm at the moment, and so in that respect I suppose March did come in like a lamb.   


Connie said…
Good Morning Denise, I love that second photo with the rolling green hills and the dark sky under those strong dark clouds. It likes that the perfect place to go horse back riding. Have a great weekend:)
Your blogging sister,
Connie :)
TexWisGirl said…
that's a good thing. :)
Tabor said…
Some truly gorgeous skies you have there!!
Comfypjs said…
Love the clouds and the green hills but I was hoping for some photos of the hills covered in wildflowers since I probably won't get down that way again until everything turns brown.
Oh...I love clouds. These shots are gorgeous.
This N That said…
I'm glad that your March came in like lamb..Beautiful skies..The clouds look so real in your pictures..Have a wonderful weekend Denise..
Daryl said…
here in the east March came in like an angry lion and i am hoping turns into a lamb sooner than later

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