Wearing the Orange

Last year I became a Giants fan....San Francisco Giants.   I have never in my life watched baseball and never imagined that I would.   Erik was born and raised in SF and is an avid spots fan, so of course he talks about the Giants and his enthusiasm is infectious.   The Giants organization and team are the type that I can stand behind because they really play as a team and not as a few superstars trying to claim the spotlight for themselves.   

This weekend we are going to a Giants game.   I'm looking forward to a couple days away and sitting in the stadium for an evening game with my honey.   And buying a few things in orange and black.   And maybe eating a hot dog or some such thing.   

It's hot again.   Really hot.   So here is yesterday's relief with possibly more of the same today.

I better get going before it's too hot to move.   Have a great Thursday and Go Giants!!


Daryl said…
i really dont like baseball ... my husband is a huge sports fan but aside from football he really only watches playoff games in other sports .. however .. his BFF is a Giants fan so of course he cheers them on .. enjoy yourselves ...
Tabor said…
I like little in the way of professional sports because of all the hype and money involved. But I am glad that you are finding a new interest.
This N That said…
We finally got some much needed rain..3/4 0f an inch..Temps down in the 60's..Won't last long but it's a welcome relief...Enjoy the game..
Helen said…
You capture and share such amazing views. It's hard for one from the Ozark Mountains to imagine the scenes you see are a part or normal everyday life for anyone!
Lin said…
I love baseball. Don't love orange. It's a tough color to wear. Spent many long years in orange to support the kids' high school. I think I am scared for life.
Much needed rain here today -- I hope your weather perfect for your game, what fun you're going to have!!
Lynne said…
Enjoy a GRAND time with your honey and the GIANTS!
KB said…
Love the photos. Hope you enjoyed the game.

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