Morgan Horses

When I moved here 9 years ago, I was introduced to the Morgan Horse breed.   I had 2 other horses which were not Morgans and was boarding them at a Morgan show barn.   So we decided to start a small breeding operation once we made the improvements on our major fixer-upper property.   Soon after, we found our first 2 mares already in foal.   The next Spring, the foals were born and I was hooked.   This is Tommy with his brand new halter.

Over the next 6 years, I added more mares and helped them raise 12 foals.   Some of the mares I purchased with a foal at their side.   I also had a beautiful show horse named Phoebe.   The entire experience was incredibly rewarding for me.   Women either have a passion for horses or not.   I definitely fall into the first group.  

Pepper and Amy

Angel was my last foal and she is now 3 years old.   She is a half sister to Phoebe who is no longer with me.   This is a photo of my dressage trainer working with her.   She really needs a new person who can give her all that she deserves because my focus is on my own riding horse, Beau.


This week is the Morgan Grand National and World Championships in Oklahoma City.   I went to the show for 5 years and had great experiences there.   As I'm no longer involved in the show world, I am enjoying watching friends on a live feed broadcast on USEF.    

What a joy my horses have been for me, filling my soul in a way that not everyone can understand.   If you have a passion, it's an awesome experience if you can fulfill it in some way.


TexWisGirl said…
Morgans have always been in my heart since i was a little girl and read "Justin Morgan Had a Horse". they were prominent in Wisconsin where I grew up, but down here in Texas, they are rather rare (and very pricey!) truly beautiful horses. perhaps in my next life...
penny said…
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penny said…
How wonderful, you found your passion and be able to make a living doing what you love.

Our granddaughter loved to ride and we enjoyed watching her.

be happy, Denise.
I love my guys too... we are quarter horse people... your Morgans are BEAUTIFUL!... angel is so pretty.

My boarder is a 24 year old Morgan named Max, a real sweetheart too.
Gone Country said…
The horses are beautiful! I have an 84 year old neighbor who loves horses. She has a 24 year old thoroughbred that she boards at another neighbors house but is still very hands on with him. She definitely falls in the first category too!
Anonymous said…
Great shot of Pepper and Amy, Sis!
I fall into the category of 'horse lover'. I have loved horses and wanted one ever since I can remember. I had several over the years but haven't had one for over 12 years...I feel the 'need' for another. I LOVE Morgans but have never owned one. I think I fell in love with them while watching the Disney movie based on the book Justin Morgan Had A Horse. Your horses are absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for the 'eye candy'!
Maura :)

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