Oh Yes They Did!
Saturday morning I had checked my Gmail and had no issues. An hour or so later, I couldn't get into my account. It said they had detected unusual activity and essentially shut down my account, which included my blog. I tried to log back in but there was no way. The login directed me to a page that said the only way they could give me a verification code would be to provide my mobile phone number so they could either call me or text me. There were no other options. They have been asking me for a mobile number for some months and I always decline.
I went to the Support page and sent a "not so pleasant" message to reinstate my account because I was not providing a phone number. They have always had a backup Email for me so they could have contacted me that way, but they did not. And they did not respond ALL DAY to my request to reinstate. No messages via my other Email. Was I angry? Oh yeah, I was! All my contacts are in Gmail as I have shifted from my EarthLink account over the past couple of years. I felt as though I was being held hostage for my phone number and that is not okay with me. In the end, my sweetie offered to let me use his mobile number as it's a business phone and everyone has it anyway. I plugged in that number and immediately received a verification code for my account.
Lesson learned. I get it. So I am going to gradually go back to my EarthLink for primary Email, back up my contacts, and wean myself away from this service. I also have an Android phone which is due to be upgraded at the end of May. You can be sure I will be getting an iPhone instead. I simply do not appreciate how everything is so integrated to the point of not having a choice. We should have a choice. It's true, Gmail is a free service and we don't have a voice. True, they can do whatever they want. I just choose not to participate.
Does anyone know what this photo is? Yes, I was calling names yesterday, definitely a lot worse than Harry's butt would suggest. Lesson learned and moving forward in another direction.
I went to the Support page and sent a "not so pleasant" message to reinstate my account because I was not providing a phone number. They have always had a backup Email for me so they could have contacted me that way, but they did not. And they did not respond ALL DAY to my request to reinstate. No messages via my other Email. Was I angry? Oh yeah, I was! All my contacts are in Gmail as I have shifted from my EarthLink account over the past couple of years. I felt as though I was being held hostage for my phone number and that is not okay with me. In the end, my sweetie offered to let me use his mobile number as it's a business phone and everyone has it anyway. I plugged in that number and immediately received a verification code for my account.
Lesson learned. I get it. So I am going to gradually go back to my EarthLink for primary Email, back up my contacts, and wean myself away from this service. I also have an Android phone which is due to be upgraded at the end of May. You can be sure I will be getting an iPhone instead. I simply do not appreciate how everything is so integrated to the point of not having a choice. We should have a choice. It's true, Gmail is a free service and we don't have a voice. True, they can do whatever they want. I just choose not to participate.
Does anyone know what this photo is? Yes, I was calling names yesterday, definitely a lot worse than Harry's butt would suggest. Lesson learned and moving forward in another direction.
I gave them my number.. It is an invasion of privacy.. but i wanted to blog and went that road.
I have had no trouble.
Hope you get it all sorted out.
I think that is a donkey showing her " "
the american's use another word. ):
have a good sunday.
Good luck.
I suggest everyone back up their blogs to their hard drive so they still have their content in case you want to switch down the road.
Not so funny what happened, though.
Good luck with switching back. I currently use Yahoo which is free and so far, I've had no issues with them.
Hahaha, I was thinking the other day that I'd like to see some of your donkey pics but I wasn't expecting to see THAT view of them, lol!
I am sorry you had this experience.
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