Cold and Now Hot

Everything was going along just fine and then I was hit with a summer cold.   I rarely get sick enough that I just don't want to do anything, but for a few days I had zero energy.   Then as cold tend to do, it moved around from my head to my chest and I started coughing.   Mucinex, nightly cough medicine, and eventually the cold moved out.   I still have a bit of coughing but I think I can attribute that to the hot dry time of year and my asthma.   

Anyway....didn't get much exercise for over a week and once I started back?   Wham, a heat wave!   I have to say, I was irritable on Saturday.   Besides being hot, my horse's condition called Scratches flared up and I'm having to treat that twice a day.   You can Google it if you want to know.   Being in the barn when it's about 100 degrees and cleaning a horse's painful scabs is zero fun.   The Giants keep losing and losing so I didn't have that to feel good about.   I worry about the chickens when it's so hot.   And what else?   Oh yes, I was watching a nest camera of some Ospreys in Montana.   Because of bad fishing conditions and attacks by another Osprey (rare) looking for food on the nest, they were unable to feed their chicks and they died of starvation.

I had to get all that off my chest because today is a new day.   Maybe you can understand why I haven't blogged.    

I'm going to be more productive the rest of the week.   We need a shade or curtains on the west window of the bedroom.   This time of year the sun hits it directly in the late afternoon/early evening.   We have faux wood off white blinds throughout our house and they just don't offer enough in that room, this time of year.   I think I'll go in search of something to put over the blinds in that window.   Not anything too dark.   I don't like dark curtains/drapes in my house.  My house isn't big enough to carry anything dark and heavy.   I'll head to Pier One, Target and possibly Lowe's to see what I can find.    I bought some curtains a few years ago for another room that I think would be perfect.   Truth is, I don't know where they are.   We didn't use them, we put them somewhere, and I have no idea where that "somewhere" is.   Tucking things away for a possible use at another time?   Never a good idea.   

Okay then.   This is how I'm starting a new week with a new attitude.   Life is too short to be crabby for very long, isn't it?   

Thanks for stopping by.  

This is my view driving back from the barn every day.   Pretty cool, isn't it?

UPDATE:   I found the curtains tucked away in a closet!!!!


Pepper Medley said…
Sorry about your cold. They are never a good thing any time of the year. My pneumonia shot keeps them at bay for me, so I can't remember the last time I had a cold, but allergies sometimes bring on a drippy nose, as does a side effect of a prescription I take for an unrelated health issue.

The weather maps show it is hot everywhere this summer. Global warming is not a figment of the imagination, it's very real and making us all very uncomfortable. Hope the garden survives the summer.

Poor horse. Sounds miserable for him and for you.
Lynne said…
Hot is here in Michigan too . . .
Along with that other H word . . .
Humidity . . . which makes me so very thankful for air conditioning!

Hope your cold continues in the "vanished" status . . . cough and all!

Always a treat to see photos of your views . . .

(Will the "found drapes" work?)
This N That said…
Poor horse and poor you!! The weather is awful everywhere it seems..Hope the curtains do the trick..You just need to go for a ride and see the country when you feel crabby..It's gorgeous..Hope your cold is a thing of the past...
Daryl said…
i can easily empathize ... our Harry has a skin condition that means wiping his ears/chin w/antibacterial wipes which he totally hates having to sit through AND he gets meds another thing he isnt thrilled with ... i feel for you and hope your cough is easing a bit
Unknown said…
Hope the garden survives the summer.


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